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Midland Kid’s Dentist Blog

Nursing Your Child? Here Are 5 Dental Facts You Should Know

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:35 pm
Close up of mother and child smiling in an embrace

Breastfeeding your child has several benefits, but did you know it can also affect their oral health? With all the other care you have to think about for your little one, it can be easy to forget about their teeth. Since dental conditions can impact overall wellbeing, it’s crucial to be well-informed.

Don’t worry, we know you’re busy. In this article, we narrow the important stuff down to five facts, so you don’t have to spend hours researching.


What are Smile-Friendly Snacks & How Can They Prevent Cavities?

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 5:49 pm
a child snacking on a peach outside

Cavities are so common among children because they’re still learning how to properly brush, floss, and care for their smile. Although it may be a big feat for any parent to take on running a cavity-free household, there are some ways you can reduce the chances of your favorite smiles being affected by this ordinary dental concern. Keeping your pantry and refrigerator stocked with smile-friendly snacks is a great place to start! Read on to learn how certain snacks can reduce your child’s risk of decay.


Your Child’s First Dental Visit

April 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 2:57 am

Smiling infant on a bedNothing is more exciting than your infant’s baby teeth emerging from their gums. Although babies usually don’t start getting teeth until about 6 months old, it’s never too early to introduce them to good oral hygiene. Even before their first tooth erupts, you can keep their mouth clean by wiping their gums with a wet, soft cloth twice a day. Besides caring for their mouth at home, they should see their dentist before their first birthday. It’s normal to have some anxiety about their upcoming appointment, but there’s no reason to fret. Here’s what you can expect during their cleaning and checkup.


3 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Child’s Teeth

March 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:21 am
Picture of a smiling child

Sometimes, parents are surprised to learn that pediatric dentistry is its own unique specialty. This is because children’s teeth are obviously incredibly different from those of adults, as are their particular dental needs.

This also means that parents often have a lot to learn in order to take care of their children’s oral health. Here are some dental facts that you ought to know if you’re a parent.


3 Tooth Fairy Myths from Around the World

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 3:58 pm
illustration of the tooth fairy

For centuries, the enchanting tale of the tooth fairy has captivated children worldwide, offering a whimsical explanation for the transition from baby teeth to adult ones. While in America, we envision the tooth fairy as a petite pink sprite, slipping beneath pillows to exchange teeth for coins, other cultures have woven their own unique narratives around this cherished myth. Keep reading to explore how various cultures around the world interpret and celebrate the folklore of the tooth fairy.


Toddler Development and Lip Ties: A Closer Look

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 6:39 pm
Dentist looking at a child's lip tie

Parenthood is a journey full of joy, milestones, and sometimes—unexpected challenges. One of these that might go unnoticed but could still significantly affect your toddler is a lip tie. But what is a lip tie, and how can it affect a toddler’s development?  Continue reading to delve into lip ties, exploring their effects on toddlers and how removing them can contribute to a better quality of life.


Bright Smiles with Special Needs: An Oral Hygiene Guide for Children

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 5:54 pm
Child with special needs at the dentist

Caring for a child’s oral health is essential for their overall well-being, but it can be particularly challenging for children with special needs. These children may face unique dental concerns due to their specific conditions, making it important for parents and caregivers to create tailored oral hygiene routines.

If you’re a parent needing effective strategies for supporting good oral health in your special needs children, continue reading.


Tissue Troubles: Will My Child’s Lip or Tongue Tie Resolve Itself?

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 4:39 pm
Nose to chin view of a newborn with a tongue tie

If you’ve noticed that your baby has challenges latching or falling asleep while breastfeeding, they could have a tongue or a lip tie. Many well-meaning but perhaps ill-informed professionals tell new parents that the problem will mend itself in time, but is that the truth? Because the issue impacts your child’s well-being, it’s important to know! Keep reading to learn more about his common concern and how your pediatric dentist can help.


Caring for Tender Teeth: What Parents Can Do When Children Have Teeth Sensitivity

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 10:20 pm
A father and daughter brushing together to fight teeth sensitivity

Children have a lot more going on than we realize. Between naps, chores, and having to eat their vegetables, they can get swamped easily. However, as a parent, you know it’s important that they make time for oral care every day. But what can you do if your little one says their teeth hurt, or if they have sensitivities to brushing?

If you want to learn some helpful tips to keep their tooth troubles at bay, continue reading. You’ll find ways to help your child with their tender teeth.


The Recovery Process for a Frenectomy

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlandkidsdentist @ 2:54 pm
a baby laughing while being examined by a dentist

Lip and tongue ties are more commonly diagnosed nowadays due to the fact that parents are more familiar with what symptoms to look out for. If you just learned that your child could benefit from a frenectomy, which is the treatment for these conditions, you’ll likely want to know what the recovery process will look like. Read on to learn what post-operative effects you’ll be supporting your child through, as well as how long healing will take.

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